Sunday, October 5, 2014

Why we eat breakfast

The benefits of breakfast are clear and scientifically proven. It plays a valuable role in reducing obesity, decreasing the risk of heart disease, increasing cognitive ability and concentration, and boosting energy levels and metabolism.
And yet, over 20% of Europeans skip breakfast!!! In France alone, 38% of children aged 12-17 and more than 42% of young adults aged 18-24 skip breakfast at least once a week.

Many people tell stories to themselves

• ''I don’t have time to eat breakfast.''
 Can you afford to find 5 minutes to benefit from
eating breakfast? It won't take more.

• ''I don’t need breakfast.''
 You wouldn't expect a car to run without fuel and equally you cannot expect your body to run            without energy. Or would you tell your son or daughter not to eat breakfast because they don't need it? Your body and mind will both work better during the morning after eating breakfast.

• ''Skipping breakfast does not matter – I can make up
the missing nutrients later in the day.''
False! The nutrients, vitamins and minerals missed at breakfast are not made up later in the day.
People who skip breakfast have a less nutritious diet than those who eat this important meal.

• ''Skipping breakfast means losing weight.''
False! Breakfast helps to kick-start daily metabolism, helping to process calories consumed later in the day.

People treat themselves like animals. Nobody will force you to eat breakfast. You and only you should take responsibility of your own body. Now let's take a look at some BENEFITS!!!

 Beneficial for both the body and the mind

• People who eat breakfast consume more essential nutrients which are necessary for a healthy body and lifestyle.
• People who eat breakfast tend to be slimmer than those who skip breakfast.
• Eating breakfast contributes to cognitive performance,It also improves concentration and fuels physical activity.

Nutrition Facts 

• A bowl of fortified cereal, such as toasted flakes, provides iron and B vitamins.
• By adding low fat milk to your cereal and coffee, you will achieve over half of your daily recommended calcium intake in just one meal.
• Breakfast cereals and bread provide slow release carbohydrate which helps to maintain energy levels and concentration throughout the day.
• Eating a bowl of muesli, oats or granola will provide you with at least 25% of the fibre you need each day. Oats are a good source of protein, vitamins, minerals and fibre and may support heart health.

I hope you'll all try not to skip breakfast from now on or take it with more healthy ingredients and proportions. Any positive or negative comments below would be nice and helpful for my next posts.

P.S Don't forget to EXERCISE! Your body is your temple!!

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