Thursday, March 3, 2016


The need of a good night's sleep is above all nowadays. 

Do you ever feel worn out even if you've slept for many hours?
Many people misunderstood the meaning of a good sleep. Is it defined by how many hours will you sleep? Or, how much proper sleep is in those hours? 


Points below show changes in our life due to lack of sleep

  • We finally become more aggressive and frustrated.
  • We start blaming others for our non-manageable situations.
  • Not getting enough sleep is downright dangerous. It can cause lapses in attention in periods we need the maximum attention we can get, like driving or babysitting.

Some everyday habits have to change in order to change your sleep cycle. Some of them are nutritional, behavioral and environmental.

  1. Too much light. Shutting of the light or using the least you can use while reading, can help you relax before you arrive at the land of dreams. Be sure you use a sleep mask for a good blackout.
  2. Last meal. Be careful when you eat your dinner. Give it a good 3 to 3 and a half hours before you go to sleep. The body is stressed while digesting and doesn't let the body to relax while sleeping.
  3. Programming. Our bodies adapt some habits even when you don't train them to. If you work in bed, eat or read, your body will respond that way when you go to sleep. Have your meal in the kitchen, study in the office and work at your shop. Let the bed be for sleeping ONLY.
  4. Coffee Please. Caffeine is a stimulator, keeping the body alert and with much energy to stay awake for hours. Try NOT to drink coffee after 5pm.

Ways to get a proper sleep

Finally, you should find the average time of sleep you get. Write down your hours of sleep every morning for two weeks. Then find the average and work on it. If you want to minimize the amount of time sleeping, try cutting of 20 minutes every for 3 days. After those three days you can cut another 20 minute period until you get to your time goal.

Schedule your sleep time. Set your alarm one hour before that time. Start doing the necessary things first. Then go for a warm bath and pajamas. For the last 20 minutes do something to relax, like yoga or reading a book or just listen to waves. Do not listen to music with lyrics you know. You will sing along the song and you will get into some memories that will wake your heart beats up eventually.

No screens or monitors. No mobile phone, facebook scrolling down in home page, no twitter news feed!  Set your alarm and leave the device far from the bed. Switch off the phone if it features alarm when switched off.

 Eat fish for dinner! Yes, fish has some unique ingredients helping the nervous system relax just before you go to sleep. It's easy to cook a fish, or two.

You can find  5 Quick Seafood Recipes in another post!


Comment below and tell us how you are managing sleepless nights or how do you conquer a better, more proper sleep!! 

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